Workshop je určen pro terapeuty SI.
TERMÍN a MĚSTO KONÁNÍ AKCE | 8. - 10. listopadu 2024/Zürich |
ADRESA | Gemeindestr. 19, 8032 Zürich (CH) |
INSTRUKTOR | Aleš Urbanczik |
- Cena pro členy EGSI: € 550
- Cena pro ostatní: € 700
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Workshopy organizuje European Guild of Structural Integration:
Popis workshopu
Underneath the superficial fascia there are three main fascial layers in the neck.
In this workshop we explore the effect of oral, nasal and jaw tensions on the postural organization of the head and neck, as well as on whole-body balance, integration and coordination.
- the investing layer of the trapezius and SCM
- the prevertebral lamina of deep fascia containing all other neck muscles around the vertebrae
- the pretracheal laminae of deep fascia containing neck muscles in front of the trachea (scalene, hyoid muscles)
Using Prof. Carla Stecco's Fascial Anatomy Atlas we will investigate how these layers travel further down the body and look at the implications these findings may have for the Basic 10 Series.